The server will all willingly accept donations. We expect donors to review and understand the donation policy. The completion of the donation procedure signifies person's agreement to this policy.
Donations are not refundable.
Note that by donating, you are helping to keep the server alive. You are not buying items instead we are giving you small gift of appreciation for your support.
League RO and its staff members are NOT responsible if any funds is to be lost due to any reason (Hacks/Scams).
Its your responsibility to interpret and fully understand this document, and that by donating you therefore declare your full legally bounding agreement to this policy, regardless of your abilities/efforts to understand any/all areas covered by it.
Donations are not refundable.
Note that by donating, you are helping to keep the server alive. You are not buying items instead we are giving you small gift of appreciation for your support.
League RO and its staff members are NOT responsible if any funds is to be lost due to any reason (Hacks/Scams).
Its your responsibility to interpret and fully understand this document, and that by donating you therefore declare your full legally bounding agreement to this policy, regardless of your abilities/efforts to understand any/all areas covered by it.